Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Ballpark and the Dog Park

I haven't been writing a lot lately. In fact, I haven't been writing at all lately which is unfortunate because I'm almost done with something I've been working on since November, but I haven't written more than a couple pages in 3 months. I haven't even posted a blog in over a month. I just haven't had anything to say.

So, since I don't have anything to say I'm going to follow the premise that actions speak louder than words and take the cue from some of my friends blogs. I'm going to tell you what I've been doing while I haven't been saying anything.

The last two years I've rediscovered my love of live theater and of course, I have season theater tickets again this season. There's one more show left in the season. The last show I went to (How, How, Why, Why, Why) was one of the best this year, though I think my favorite of this season is still Murderers.

I took a trip to California to visit family. It had been two years since I'd been down to visit them so that trip was overdue. It was such a short trip though that I didn't get to see my friends down there so I'll have to go back again soon.

I've been spending a lot of time with my friends and family. One of my best friends is moving so I've been hanging out with her a lot. She's only moving an hour away so it's not like I'll never see her but it does mean that we can't spontaneously decide to go for drinks or, as she pointed out, to a baseball game after work. So, that's what we've been doing. Last week we met up for drinks and dinner and this week we went to ball game.

It was a great game too. It was the perfect spring day, the first really warm day here, so they had the roof open. We sat in the Hit it Here Cafe which I'd never done and Ibanez hit two home runs (he almost hit it there which I always wonder about, you know, does anyone ever actually hit it there). There were a couple Angels fans sitting nearby and the guys in the next row down from us got into the smack talk which is always fun. I had to agree with them, it's hard to believe that the Angels have fans since LA already has real team to route for (the Dodgers).

I've also been spending a lot of time with my mom. My schedule has changed and I've had to adopt the early to bed, early to rise philosophy which hasn't been easy for me. Not that I've ever really been a night owl, but my ideal would be to go to bed around 1:00 and get up at 9:00. What I am, really, is not a morning person or a night person but a middle of the day person and now that I'm getting off work at 3:30 in the afternoon I've been a little bored. I decided that my mom's dog could also really use some entertainment so my mom and I have been taking the dog to the off-leash dog park twice a week. In fact, I'm about to go there now so I'll leave it at that.

Hopefully I'll have something more interesting to say soon.


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